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Fly there by Swissair at reduced fares
Fly there by Swissair at reduced fares
Fly there by Swissair at reduced fares

Fly there by Swissair at reduced fares

Entwurf (CH, gestorben 1953)
Auftrag (CH, 1931 - 2002)
Druck (CH, 1880 - 2001)
Date[ca. 1953]
Dimensions102 × 64 cm
Object numberCH-000957-X:29923
Wer überlegt, wählt freisinnig
Achille B. Weider
London Underground
Clifford & Rosemary Ellis, London
It is better to shop early, Early in the month
Clifford & Rosemary Ellis, London
London Underground
Clifford & Rosemary Ellis, London
It is better to return early, Early in the day
Clifford & Rosemary Ellis, London
Skiers fly Swissair
René H. Bittel
[1958 ?]