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Swissair, Switzerland
Swissair, Switzerland
Swissair, Switzerland

Swissair, Switzerland

Fotografie (CH, geboren 1934)
Auftrag (CH, 1931 - 2002)
Dimensions102 × 64 cm
Object numberCH-000957-X:29946
Swissair, Switzerland
Walter Imber
Swissair, Switzerland
Walter Imber
[ca. 1985]
Swissair, Switzerland
Walter Imber
[ca. 1985]
Swissair, Switzerland
Walter Imber
[ca. 1985]
Swissair, Switzerland
Robert Bösch
Swissair, To Switzerland
Fritz Bühler
Swissair, Switzerland
Werner Gamper
[ca. 1985]
Swissair, Switzerland
Emil Schulthess
Swissair, Switzerland
Nikolaus Schwabe
Swissair, Switzerland
Peter Studer
[ca. 1985]
Swissair, Switzerland
Manfred Bingler