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Pilulas Suissas do Pharmaceutico Ric. Brandt, Schaffhouse
Pilulas Suissas do Pharmaceutico Ric. Brandt, Schaffhouse
Pilulas Suissas do Pharmaceutico Ric. Brandt, Schaffhouse

Pilulas Suissas do Pharmaceutico Ric. Brandt, Schaffhouse

MediumLithografie, Buchdruck
Dimensions118 × 69 cm
Object numberCH-000957-X:41537
Carl Brandt
[ca. 1940]
Carl Brandt
[ca. 1928]
Follow me to Switzerland
Carl Franz Julius Brandt
[ca. 1935]
Follow me to Switzerland
Carl Franz Julius Brandt
[ca. 1935]
Bill Brandt, Fotomuseum Winterthur
Robert & Durrer, Zürich
Laine de Schaffhouse
Iwan E. Hugentobler
Laine de Schaffhouse
Pierre André Junod
Laine de Schaffhouse
Pierre André Junod
Laine de Schaffhouse
Pierre Kramer